Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1 Book, 3 Sketches

Tim Fontaine SketchbookThrough the generous gesture on Tim Fontaine, I was able to do 3 sketches in a row in his sketchbook.

Blue Devil

First was the Blue Devil. Tim could hardly contain his excitement when he was introducing me to the "awesome funness" that is Blue Devil. It was both fun and educating to work on my first Blue Devil ever.

Firestorm (R. Raymond)

He returned with another "old school" DC character. Not a fan of the resurrected versions of the latter years, Tim requested Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm. Not having been a comic reader during those times, this was yet another educating experience.

Captain Marvel

To my delight, he requested a character I needed no references to - Captain Marvel. My only regret in working on this piece was my choice to use gray wash on sketchbook paper, which inevitably resulted in some unwanted wrinkling.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Charlotte from Clubbing

Another fresh sketch request - My rendition of Charlotte from Clubbing created by Andi Watson and Josh Howard, inked on 8"X11" Bristol Board.

Tom & Jerry

Tom & Jerry, inked on 8"X11" Bristol Board. This was a unique sketch request and a lot of fun to do. It reminded me watching the show during my childhood days when I couldn't understand a word of English.